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Foliage Store, also known as Foliage Floral, is a creative floral studio in Kowloon. Working closely with a team of certified “Dutch Flower Arrangements” (DFA), the floral studio has been providing customers with unique and exceptionally designed flower arrangements, gift bouquets, and accessories since 2011.

Visit their studio or their easy-to-use website to see their beautiful collections for any occasion. In short, stylish and beautifully crafted bouquets are available. They also offer floral services for weddings and corporate events. In addition, for weddings, they offer fresh and silk bouquets, corsages, and table centerpieces.

Where to go for the best flower delivery in Hong Kong

花藝,總是能夠帶出無限意境,讓人在廣闊的思海中浮遊,同樣也是#個人感受自然人文#的活動,不論身份背景,皆可讓花走進你對生活及美學。不過,「花」對於Foliage Store來說不僅是植物,更是日常、生活、愛好、手藝,讓自己在迷惘的人生中找到目標,靠著努力創造出屬於自己的世界——一個花藝世界。

藏身在太子與深水埗之間舊區的Foliage Store,由主理人Mable及Pan合力創辦,歐式復古風格和周邊的舊式唐樓有點相映成趣,小小的花店恍如成為整條街道的異類,整個氣氛像是獨立於所有空間。要創作出「好」的花藝作品,Mable認為最重要的是能表達出背後的故事,每一束客人預訂的花都不只是一束花,更是包含著窩心的心意。除了花藝設計外,Foliage Store更提供花藝體驗課,匯聚不同背景的人,交流分享由花牽引,治癒放鬆屬於自己的都市生活。

受訪者: FoliageStore Floral & Gift


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2011年成立的Foliage Store 也是從網店做起,至今累積不少各大品牌的支持和得到新娘的口碑認證,在深水埗設花藝工作室。Foliage Store 由幸福小倆口Mabel (花藝師)和 Pan 共同經營,走進花藝工作室,經常見到他們分工合作,相信出自Mabel 手的花球也帶著濃濃的愛!


Mabel 對花材挑選一絲不苟,主要選擇新鮮空運的歐美荷蘭鮮花和時令名貴花種 。她更經常打破花球固有形狀,如這款心形花球,以裝飾線形圈和草形成愛環,突出花球的線條。


在配色的同時,Mabel 也著重花球的香氣,會將最搭的花材配在一起,如牡丹、Garden Rose Ohara、薰衣草、甜豌豆,、風信子等鮮花,都帶較芬芳的花香!



 對花材認識不深,未知自己對結婚花球的喜好,不要緊!Foliage Store 提供超過 1000 款的婚禮鮮花花球款式,絕對是尋找靈感的好地方!Mabel 更貼心地為花球分類,以顏色區分,更易因應婚禮主題色去配襯花球。





[英文虎報特刊Wedding fall]

Which bouquet style will you carry down the aisle? "not all bouquets are created equal! There is actually a variety of styles that a bridal bouquet can take, depending on the shape and type of blooms."



絲花專家 永恆珍藏 - Foliagestore


" 絲花專家 永恆珍藏......單是玫瑰絲花已收藏了數十款.........." 新人可以將心中的設計交給葉子,讓她把你的理想花球呈現出來


"Show Case, 新品櫥窗."

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