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[ Workshop 👨🏫👩🏫 ] 完成8月尾的一場新娘花球班
[ Workshop 👨🏫👩🏫 ] 完成8月尾的一場新娘花球班, 有位是舊客人再為自己親手做一個出門用的酒紅花球, 另外一位學生為了找東西學而報名, 而有一位是為了送給海外出嫁的朋友. 又在歡樂聲中劃上了一個完美句號. 9月因訂單工作繁忙,...
[ Workshop - Table Centerpiece ] Snapshot photo with casual by details sth....greenery runner w/ Cen
今天與 workshop 的學生共聚了一個blooming的下午, 主題是Table Centerpiece鮮花插花(檯花)班圓形, 用了美國紅玫瑰做了主花, 以紅, 綠為主體色調, 完成後再放到wooden long table 上, 放滿了其他葉材及蕙蘭, 道具佈置,...
[Fresh Wedding Bouquet] Fruitful on bouquet
[Fresh Wedding Bouquet] Fruitful on bouquet - ORANGE Juliet Garden Rose, PINK Ranunculus, LACE Mini-Rose, SCUBA BLUE Hydrangeas, Pure...
[ Gift of flower ] The classic symbol of love for years
[ Gift of flower ] The classic symbol of love for years, carefully selected vibrant roses for your sweetheart. This bouquet includes 3...
[Fresh Wedding Bouquet] Wedding Inspiration in Pretty a Peach & Powder Blue Palette Bouquet
[Fresh Wedding Bouquet] Wedding Inspiration in Pretty a Peach & Powder Blue Palette Bouquet, in soft white and pastel shades, alongside...
[Fresh Wedding Bouquet] White and Green - The Bouquet, classically elegant, soft, and romantic, with
[ 婚禮鮮花球 ] 美好的, 無論襯黑與白, 都能夠突顯花球. 碰巧搭了灰,黑服飾, 就隨心地作背景底, 拍出來的畫面能看見另一味道!😊 每間花店都有自我的風格, 我們不斷地提升美感,希望能夠跟藝術合而為一,大家能感受到嗎? 花球用了純潔的白色, 清新的綠色為主題,...
[F. Arrangement] Floral centerpiece , we style them into our masterpieces for your event.
[F. Arrangement] Floral centerpiece is the finest and freshest available. All blooms are brought back to our design studios, where they...
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[ Peach pink to coral ] This palette would be good if we wanted to simplify the colour scheme in the
[ Peach pink to coral ] This palette would be good if we wanted to simplify the colour scheme in the wedding bouquet. We well present it wou
[Vintage & dirty Pink] DIRTY PINK is a v.i.n.t.a.g.e. boutique
[Vintage & dirty Pink] DIRTY PINK is a v.i.n.t.a.g.e. boutique that supplies the most elegant vintage wedding theme and dressing. We are
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