[ WE ARE LISTED ]花藝,總是能夠帶出無限意境 by hipstermag
花藝,總是能夠帶出無限意境,讓人在廣闊的思海中浮遊,同樣也是#個人感受自然人文#的活動,不論身份背景,皆可讓花走進你對生活及美學。不過,「花」對於Foliage Store來說不僅是植物,更是日常、生活、愛好、手藝,讓自己在迷惘的人生中找到目標,靠著努力創造出屬於自己的世界...
[ WE ARE LISTED ]花藝,總是能夠帶出無限意境 by hipstermag
[ Blooms on Truck ] 第一擊- Flowers Roadshow 🌷🌹🚚↗️
[ F. Arrangement ] Place your next corporate decor/event in the experienced hands of the Foliage.
[Fresh Wedding Bouquet] Most popular flowers are peonies and David Austin garden roses on seasonal
[ Happy Mothers Day 💐] 今年推出了的母親節新花品
[Foliage NewYear2018 - 蝴蝶蘭]新一輪的蘭花又返了一批新貨
婚禮絲花球班 Wedding Faux Bouquet floral Workshop
[Fresh Wedding Bouquet] Wedding Inspiration in Pretty a Peach & Powder Blue Palette Bouquet
[Fresh Wedding Bouquet] White and Green - The Bouquet, classically elegant, soft, and romantic, with
We love working with all things natural and try to carry this through in all that we create.